Frequently Asked Questions
- Do you provide refresher dive courses? Yes we do. If you haven't been diving within the past two years, we can schedule a refresher with one of our instructors on an as needed basis and can work with your schedule to make it convenient for you. Please call for an appointment and stop into our dive center to speak to an associate to register with an instructor.
- It has been more than 2 years since my last dive, can I just start diving again? Our instructors insist on enrolling in PADI Reactivate to refresh your knowledge of diving again, prior to signing up for a refresher dive.
- Can I sign up for classes on-line? Yes, you can sign up for the eLearning through our courses page. The practical application for the in water completion will need to be scheduled with our dive center directly.
- It has been at least 10 years since I last took a dive, how can I get back into diving? Since many factors may have changed since your last dive, it would be in your best interest, to enroll in a PADI Open Water course and complete all of the required dives.
- Do you offer private Open Water classes? Yes and we can accommodate most schedules.
- How long does it take to get Open Water Certified? In as little as 3 days.
- What gear do I need for Open Water class? Only a mask, snorkel, boots and fins. You don't need weights or any other gear for class. Our dive center gives you all other gear to use for Open Water class.
- Do you offer charter dives? Unfortunately, our area does not have a local dive charter, only private individuals. We do have fresh water springs in our area and can provide you with information for these.
- Do you buy used dive gear? We do on an individual basis. Please call for an appointment.
- Do you rent snorkel/dive gear? Absolutely but we do not reserve rental gear, it is on a first come first serve basis.
- When are your Open Water classes held? Each group class is two consecutive weekends. Each day is only 4-5 hours.